Have you been an outsider in school?

I'm wondering if you've been an outsider or not as popular in school. I'm not necessary meaning bullying, but just not getting so much attention or privilege like the popular ones and the members of the gang. Outsider can be that person who didn't get the opportunity to join it or choose to not do it.
Have you been an outsider in school?
#Outsider #School #OutsiderSchool
Have you been an outsider in school?
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+1 y
I've been an outsider often although I'm outgoing and talkative. Popular people prefer their group members to be a pack of "wolves" or "sheep", not someone who stands out and is in depended since they often thinks outside of the box. How people don't like too boring people they don't like too much of the opposite either. They prefer it on an ordinary level. I was standing too much out and was the "crazy one" in ordinary school and I was still standing out when I went to a special school. ..
+1 y
at the special school it was the opposite. They were too special for me and they focused too much on their diagnoses instead of creating a better school environment for the class. They also had extraordinary behavior.
Have you been an outsider in school?
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