Do women prefer low paying degrees/jobs?

Do women prefer low paying degrees/jobs?
It's no surprise that if you walk through a campus of a liberal arts, psychology university you will more women than men. I once took an elective in psychology and in the entire class of 35 there were only 3 guys (2 of whom dropped the course mid way).
However if you go to a STEM uni you will see comparatively less women. In fact it is surprising to see a girl in a class of mechanical engineering or computer science etc.
At the same time degrees in STEM, Bussiness, Law etc are higher paying that liberal arts degrees.
So why do women generally choose these fields of study more and men avoid these fields. Also its more normalized if a women studies say philosophy, psych, design etc but a man is stigmatized.
Is this a good trend?
Do women prefer low paying degrees/jobs?
5 Opinion