Should I be offended that they never updated me on the position?

I used to think I worked at a great office with a wonderful team. I thought everyone respected me and valued my hard work.

Two months ago I head from a manager that one of the other senior staff members were looking to hire another member for their team. I applied for the position and the senior staff member told me that they were viewing other resumes too but that I would make a great addition to the team. He also told me he would keep me updated on the status.

He never updated me. Two days ago I find out through a corporate email that they hired someone for that team. I’m unsure if it was for the position I applied for. I reached out to the senior staff member if there was any updates on the position I applied to. There’s been no response so far.

I always help him out in meetings and honestly feel so disrespected. Makes me feel like hard work gets taken advantage of and not appreciated.
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Should I be offended that they never updated me on the position?
Post Opinion