How do people who live in big homes get time to make "cozy routine and festival" videos?

I get it if they earn average fixed hours salary, they have a good work life balance.
How do people who live in big homes get time to make cozy routine and festival videos?
  • But these girls live in big homes and possess expensive items.
  • They have time to make 100s of videos on fall routine, Halloween routine, winter routine, Christmas routine, January routine.
  • They seem to live a totally relaxed life.

How is that possible to find this much free time when they're rich?

Ain't they having jobs to keep them busy 24/7?

No hate here, I'm genuinely curious 😃


I'm also working hard to be a millionaire but I barely get any free time to even relax properly.

How do people who live in big homes get time to make "cozy routine and festival" videos?
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