Do celebs really act for the love and vocation of the profession or just because they like the money and fame?

Do celebs really act for the love and vocation of the profession or just because they like the money and fame?

I mean. Celebs have so much money that they could retire now even if they are young and not to worry about working again, they have enough money to live well with theri families even in anotehr country if they desire, unless the celeb is very disorganized with their own money that they spend the money too fast too soon and end up with nothing.

So a friend of mine asked me this one day thta we were talking about the huge ridiculous salaries some celebs earn (even if some do nto deserve to earn thAt much cause they are not even good actors). So she was saying. These actors acting is theri job their profession what they do to bring money and food to them and to theri families, unless they have a second job but who knows. So if they always have a lot of money on their pockets accumulated for years, why the heck they want to keep acting, they are already millionaires. I mean unless they have so much LOVE (not love for the $$) for acting they will keep doing it for many years, even if they do nto get paid.

I mean some celebs has so much money that it is common knowledge they spend it sometimes in the most ridiculous, lame things out there because they do not even know how to spend their money on, like they dont think throughly or in a smart way. But there are others who spend wisely theri money and invest.

Do celebs really act for the love and vocation of the profession or just because they like the money and fame?
1 Opinion