Why do some men hate the idea of having a female boss?

Why do some men hate the idea of having a female boss?

I used to work for a pretty diverse company, but when I became manager, some of the guys in my division out right did not even try to hide their dislike of me because I was a woman in that position. They would ignore my instructions, they would try to talk down to me, they would act like I was singling them out if ever I actually asked them to just do their basic jobs. It was just plain annoying. I didn't just show up and get the job, I worked very hard for years to get to that position and it was like, this is the 21st century, grow up! To be fair, there were a lot of male employees that had zero issues with me and who worked very well with me and my gender wasn't even a question.

Even so, why do some men just hate even the idea of having a female boss?

Why do some men hate the idea of having a female boss?
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