Should I tell me coworker I like him?


So there's this guy at work who's super cute. He's the only straight guy in the job, so all the girls give him tons of attention. There's one girl in particular who loves flirting with him and always acts super jealous when other girls talk to him. She's always trying to get his attention, but he's pretty chill. We're both stoners, so we vibe on that level, but things can be kind of awkward between us since I'm more introverted. He tends to talk to the other girls first, not me unless I start the conversation.

The other day, we were all talking about guys, and he was giving advice to the other girls. But when I mentioned my then boyfriend (now ex), he seemed to drift away or ignore me. My manager even suggested that I don't need a relationship since I'll be going to college soon and should focus on exploring my options, and my coworker said “yea you should explore more.”

Yesterday, I decided to wear a halter top to work to show off my fit body. However, he completely ignored me the entire day and didn't even say hi. I couldn't understand why since I've seen other girls wear way more revealing clothes than what I had on. I started to wonder if I looked ugly or if he just wasn't interested in me. The only time he talked to me was when a coworker mentioned a party I recently went to.

Should I tell me coworker I like him?
4 Opinion