Do you still have trauma from past workplace bullying?


I've been bullied my entire life due to reasons I'm aware of and can't help.

It's mainly my dyslexia I get bullied for but no school bully has ever affected me more than when I was bullied at my last job.

Without going into everything they did to me I was basically mentally and physically abused by them.

I cried every night and day because I was so scared to come into work but I had no choice because I needed the money.

It got so bad my physicall and mental health deteriorated. It was one of the worst times of my life. I also lost someone very close to me during this time and instead of my co workers comforting me over my lost they saw it as a chance to torment me more.

I eventually quit and found a new job. Things so bad it forced me to change my entire life. I moved to a new town to be with my boyfriend and made new friends.

I'm much more happier and healthier but I when I think back to how bad I was treated back then it hurts. I just don't understand how grown women who had daughters not far off my age be so cruel and evil.

For ages I thought I must be a terrible person and there was a reason they were so cruel to me but now I see that's not ture and now I work for a massive company and I'm very respected and loved by my colleagues.

I've made so many great friends and when I tell them my story them seem so shocked. It took me a really long time to trust people again but my colleagues are like a big family to me. They've never made me feel the way them women at my old work did.

I read my diary from back then and it really broke my heart but people could commit so much time into making someone else's life so terrible.

They were fully aware of how they effected me but feel no shame and if anything are proud bur they chased me out of my job like they had done to so many others.

I don't know how my old work managed to find a collective group of such evil people

Do you still have trauma from past workplace bullying?
6 Opinion