How did he come to such a conclusion and what is the connection between the two?

I have a male friend in my physics class. At that time, our conversation was about our final project. I remember the last time I talked to my female friend about her finishing her final project when we were in the same semester. According to the rules, the assignment can be done if it has reached a certain semester but my friend had completed it before reaching that certain semester. I brought up this topic to talk to my male friend. I told him that my friend could finish her final project early even though it hadn't reached the semester, but why couldn't we at school (that's what I asked him), he said that it's useless for you to be smart... and other words that I don't remember clearly. I was confused as to what the connection was between being smart and the final project, and how could he conclude that I was smart when we were in different classes and never met and communicated at school except for occasionally communicating at the physics tutoring centre.

How did he come to such a conclusion and what is the connection between the two?
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