For people that don't want to work 8 am to 5 Pm and want to work from home, what stops you from working at a business? What are your reasons?

Before COVID, it was the norm that people worked 8 hours and more for their employees at the place of business.
Elon Musk is trying to get people back into work the way it used to be. His way is normal. Working at home isn't normal. And he said if you can't come into the office, then you can't work for him. People, you got spoiled working from home. That's not the way to run a successful business.
Customer's (me being one of them) would call my insurance company and voicemail would come on, not a person! They continue this practice to this day. We need people to go back to work so when we need you, you'll be there for us instead of calling us back at YOUR convenience.
For people that don't want to work 8 am to 5 Pm and want to work from home, what stops you from working at a business? What are your reasons?
7 Opinion