The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4

I'm sure you're all (and, yes, I mean allllll of you) wondering what is the difference!?! What could possibly make Sims 4 different than Sims 3 and why should I pay for Sims 4 if I already own Sims 3...

The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4

Well...the main and only difference is...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

You will pay for the same things...same 'expansions', same 'new' abbilities, same 'new' potentials...

Everything is the same, you're just starting it all - all over again. Meaning you're not going to be able to swim, have toddlers, go on vacations or do anything specifically fun that you can do in Sims 3 with expansions installed.

You can, however, go to work with a Sim of a medical, police or science profession. That is...IF you buy the expansion for it.

You can go on 'vacation' on a camping grounds IF you buy that expansion...

Only thing that's a tad bit different, and it's purely aestetic, is that you can change your Sims' body in a bit more detail, and that's about it.

The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4

Graphics are a bit improved, but that's a given each time they 'reinvent' the game.

The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4

The prices are high, even after a few years of when the 'new' Sims 4 were released, and even on a discount...not positive they're worth it.

If you feel you'll still get a kick out of Sims 4, then so be it.

The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4

If you feel you're more than happy with the entire and complete set up of your current Sims 3, more power to ya!

The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4

IF, however, you feel you'd rather save your money for something actually a coat or a car...then I gotta say:

The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4

The Difference Between Sims 3 and Sims 4
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