My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

10. Die Hard

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

I personally love Die Hard, the reason it is number 10 is the debate of it being a Christmas film, I believe it is and it is timeless classic by Bruce Willis that propelled his career, his character isn't perfect and your typical man unlike modern heroes today with it's swearing in as well, but this movie keeps you gripped and routing for him all the way.

9. The Polar Express

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

A lot of the critics for this film are it's length and animation (which is slightly peculiar), but don't let this distract you from the eccentric journey, that will get you ready and feeling for Christmas when you haven't got a lot of time to invest getting ready to sort Christmas Presents out for loved ones.

8. The Muppet Christmas Carol

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

Michael Caine is great as Scrooge and seems to get better with age, this is my favourite adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel. The muppets show how timeless they are with this movie, special credit to Gonzo as you feel for him but also laugh along with him, generally I have no opinion on the muppets but this movie catches them at their best.

7. The Bishop's Wife

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

This one is probably before a lot of people's times and reminds me of my grand parents, it follows Dudley played by Carey Grant who as angel teaches the town about the important things of life (very Christmas like arch) and looks at the film more at a family gathering time than the more commercial scene it is nowadays.

6. Arthur Christmas

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

Fast paced more modern look on Christmas with a strong cast and lovely animation, first watch as it's been a stable on Netflix for the past couple of years. Creative with lots of twists and turns the elf and Santa particularly humorous, this is a Christmas film that both old and young will enjoy.

5. Elf

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

My first impressions of this film is that it was going to be terrible, and maybe some parts it is (the ending is a little bit too much) but everything is pulled off, there are lots of lovely fine details invovled with likeable character and very funny moments.

4. White Christmas

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

3. National Lampoon Christmas Vacation

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

2. Nightmare Before Christmas

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

Not only one of my favourite Christmas films but one of my favourite Disney films! Almost every song in this will get you singing with smooth but bizarre animation that will give the young ones the creeps, but keep intrigued as you realise that they aren't bad in Halloween Town. You are pit with Jack Skellington who has been around the town who wants to improve it, the problem is his ideals are well placed but executed in the wrong way that puts Christmas in jeopardy, flawless movie.

1. Love Actually

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

My absolute favourite Christmas film. I remember sneaking into this movie because it was a 15 and I was only 13 (shock horror) and boy was it worth it. The cast is amazing, even Hugh Grant who's floppy hair used to irritate me was very good, Bill Nye, Liam Neeson, the gorgeous Kiera Knightly and Andrew Linc. Before he was killing zombies. Full of laughs with great writing and sub plots, most of the characters are likeable and their stories will keep you engaged. It shows you different ways of love some classic, some fairly stupid and some on the money and although I love this film it isn't perfect.....actually. But it doesn't need to be and everyone will have their own favourites based on different things.

Honorable Mentions:

*How The Grinch Stole Christmas

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

Few changes from the book, Jim Carrey is very good though.

*Batman Returns

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

Tim Burton seems to be Marmite at times for a lot of people but this Batman was still well done, the ending was one of the most sad I've seen.

*Miracle On The 34th Street

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

When remakes are done well.

*Bad Santa

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)

Billy Bob Thornton is a more risky Christmas film, is better than you think it should be.

Very difficult to do this list as I could have chosen so many movies but I felt I chose the ones that I have watched the most or made me enjoy them at this festive time of the year, let me know which ones you enjoyed instead and what you agree or disagree but hopefully everyone enjoys themselves this time of year!

My 10 Christmas Films To Watch (Almost Every Year...)
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