Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes


Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Although the following movies are only animated ,and not real people or real animals dying ,some scenes still tug at my heart strings, and evoke strong emotions. I guess i am a sucker for sad movies,but then again Disney is a master at manipulating the audiences emotions

1) Bambi

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Seeing orphaned Bami's distraught reaction after his mother is shot, and killed by a hunter is heart-wrenching

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

2 ) The Lion King

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Mufasa the lion, dies after he is pushed off of a cliff by Scar, his own brother .That was sad enough, but watching baby Simba nudge his father's body and sobbing “wake up dad” is even more upsetting to watch. Simba is then left to carry around this guilt , because Scar convinces him that his father's death was all his fault

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

3 ) Up

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

This entire movie is emotional,but the scene where Carl watches Ellie ,his wife and childhood sweetheart , die is the saddest scene in the movie

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

4 )Toy Story 2

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Jessie tells the tale in flashbacks about a time when she was loved and wanted by a young girl named Emily . Emily abandoned her when she grew up ,and matured past playing with dolls .So she brought Jessie to a Goodwill donation truck and left her there.The scene is even more powerful with the song “When She Loved Me” playing as Jessie tells Woody about her pain of being abandoned

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

5) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Quasimodo is crowned the King of Fools and he is abused , ridiculed , beaten and humiliated by the cruel towns people. Quasimodo cries out for help ,but no one helps him. After Quasimodo is set free, he runs through the crowd crying all the way as the crowd all back away in disgust.

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

6) Dumbo

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Dumbo’s mother is chained and locked up for being insane , but she was only trying defend and protect her son, who was being bullied.She reaches her trunk through the bars to cuddle him,and rocks him back and forth .Dumbo is crying while "Baby Mine" plays in the background,which makes the moment even more sad

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

7) Beauty And The Beast

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

The Beast is stabbed and dies right before helpless Belle's eyes. He dies as the last petal falls,but she realizes she loves him , and doesn't want to lose someone who has sacrificed so much. Although the curse is broken,and he turns into a Prince after Belle professes her love to him,the death of the beast is still sad.

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

8.) Old Yeller

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Yeller ,the dog, defends his family from a rabid wolf .Yeller is exposed to rabies after the wolf bites him .The saddest part is when Travis ,the young boy , has no choice but to shoot and kill his faithful friend ,Yeller. He can't risk Yeller becoming sick ,spreading the infection and turning on him and his family

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

9) Pinocchio

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Pinocchio saves his father, Geppetto, but after saving his life ,Pinocchio drowns and gets washed up the on shore .His lifeless body is seen floating face down in a deep puddle. Gepetto is then seen mourning the death of his son. Although this story has a happy ending when the Fairy brings Pinocchio back to life, the Pinocchio death scene is emotional

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes

Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes


Tear-Jerker Moments: 9 Sad Disney Movie Scenes That Brought Tears To My Eyes
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