What makes a villain great and not so great


I am so obsessed with the blacklist I can't even.This is gonna be mainly about Red. It helps that I think Red is so freaking sexy, but this character is so much more than that.

When a character is supposed to be terrifying, there are many things that help that persona, and many things that do not. Here are some things I think a good terrifying character should have:

1. Respect and class

Ok let's be real, who's gonna scare you more, someone who says "I'm so ready to kill your fucking bitch ass" or someone who says this before killing you "Ah, please sit. It's a pleasure to see you in these final moments"

What makes a villain great and not so great

When someone resorts to name calling and showing anger or rage, it shows they at least have some emotion, maybe, just maybe you can talk them out of things, but when someone appears emotionless....now that's just terrifying.

2. Dressing with class and style

What makes a villain great and not so great

Oh wow, I'm terrified.....of your ugly ass body. He looks like he's mad cause someone stole his hot pockets.


What makes a villain great and not so great

Yeah, it's pretty clear the guy with the green hair and tats looks like your run of the mill neighborhood "gangster" thug rather than an experienced, disciplined criminal.

3. (Similar to 1) Keeping their cool

It once again shows lack of emotion and is very hard to read someone's inner feelings this way, thus, creating a confusing and in some cases sinister character.

What makes a villain great and not so great
What makes a villain great and not so great

4. Being highly intelligent.

Villains like leatherface or Jason Voorhees weren't that smart, just strong and. Having all muscle and no brains is......less than scary

What makes a villain great and not so great

I mean wtf is leatherface even doing???? Dancing??


What makes a villain great and not so great
What makes a villain great and not so great

5. Having just one thing they are passionate about.

No, heavy metal rock doesn't count, nor does tattoos Jared Leto....something like a pet or a person, or maybe even one specific place in nature. It shows they do care about something, it just isn't you. What is Freddie Krueger's passion? Most of the Bond villains? The Penguin? Yeah, they don't have passions.

In this case, Red's passion his Elizabeth Keen. And he cares a great amount about his adopted son/bodyguard Dembe

What makes a villain great and not so great
What makes a villain great and not so great

Dembe and Red playing spot the difference:

What makes a villain great and not so great
What makes a villain great and not so great

Lmao, so Raymond "Red" Reddington is one of my top 3 favorite villains of all time

What makes a villain great and not so great
17 Opinion