Jurassic World Dominion Therizinosaurus scene recreation?

Before I started making this, I tried making Zerathine and it went horribly. I he looked like a literal Goofy Goober no matter what I did. First it looked as if I just slapped Squidward’s nose on his face and then I just realized it’s not physically possible to make him look accurate, so I quit that and did this which I much prefer by the way. This is beautiful, I am So proud of myself. After I remake other scene I’m gonna decide which one I should buy the pieces for and I’ll make it physically, in hand, in person, irl. Are you satisfied or do you think there’s something I could have done better?
Jurassic World Dominion Therizinosaurus scene recreation?
Jurassic World Dominion Therizinosaurus scene recreation?
Current me here, I have finally finished this beautiful replica, my friend said I should make the Final Battle next and I was just getting to that but unfortunately I can’t find ANY good images so either suggest a different scene from Dominion like the Pyroraptor one or something (I will not make the Quetzalcoatlus or Mosasaurus scene because it’s wacky having models that don’t CANONICALLY thrive on land) or maybe a scene from the previous movies, although I won’t do too much because DOMINION, I will probably only accept Jurassic Park and maybe Jurassic World suggestions.
Jurassic World Dominion Therizinosaurus scene recreation?
1 Opinion