Did my director just call me weird?


I've been called weird my entire life by my peers. I don't particularly know why I'm weird. I'm a bit awkward socially I think maybe. But in general, people find me strange I guess. Like I don't really relate to a lot of people I suppose. But today, my director said something off... or at least to me.

We were doing discussions on our play one on one yesterday. And my director sits there and says to me: "I don't really have a category to describe you. You're yourself even if that self... you're just very self assured in how you act as a person. You defy categories. It shows in your acting. Very unique at someone your age." And on one hand I was like wow that was really nice. And now I'm thinking about it and I'm not sure how to interpret what he said at all. Like am I crazy or did he try to nicely call me a weirdo?

Did my director just call me weird?
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