What is your opinion on Call Of Duty MWII (2022) nerfing slide cancel?


All I can say is good riddance. I got tired of all the slide canceling Tom foolery in all the newer Call of Duty games. It’s so satisfying to hear all the noobs complain about the slide cancel nerf in MWII. Slide canceling is nothing more than an in game exploit used by lesser skilled players to stand a chance against actual skilled players.

Truth hurts doesn’t it?
Truth hurts doesn’t it?

That’s what seperates COD players from Milsim players, the latter actually are skilled at FPS and TPS. Because in Milsim games like “Insurgency”, “Escape from Tarkov” and “Red orchestra” who ever lands the first few hits in a gunfight actually wins the gunfight. And there is no slide canceling or strafe nonsense in those games.

I remember in MW (2019) the only ways you can stop slide cancel spammers is with Shotguns, melee and launchers because every other weapon class was rendered obsolete with the broken slide cancel mechanic. It’s funny how slide cancel spammers frequently complain about shotguns, melee and launchers because that’s their kryptonite.

Prizefighters: Slide cancel spammer’s worst nightmare 1
Prizefighters: Slide cancel spammer’s worst nightmare 1
Jak 12(full auto shotgun): slide cancel spammer’s worst nightmare 2
Jak 12(full auto shotgun): slide cancel spammer’s worst nightmare 2
I agree, good riddance
I’m a noob so I’m not happy that they nerfed slide cancel. I need slide cancel to say I’m “good” at the game
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What is your opinion on Call Of Duty MWII (2022) nerfing slide cancel?
3 Opinion