Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?

I had this crazy idea for a non-woke Barbie movie that probably would've been revolutionary. As in, started an actual civil war. Mixing Barbie with The Sound of Freedom, Doomsday Preppers, and Breaking Bad.

Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?

Barbie and Ken become preppers in Montana, because Let's Go Brandon.

But then, Midge learns too much. And shares with Barbie. They foiled an operation in Oregon that would've made a local politician into Epstein on steroids, and they freed a bunch of kids. Joe was furious, as were the rag mags.

Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?

Midge is abducted by the gubmint, and sent to the funny farm, so no one will believe her testimony.

Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?

Knowing less than Midge, Barbie is abducted and tucked away in a federal prison. That will keep her from talking to anyone that matters!

Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?

Ken gets as drunk as Star Lord in Guardians 3, unable to cope, and paranoid they're gonna get him next and sell his kidneys!

Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?

That's when crazy as heck Courtney, a trucker, comes back out of nowhere, with a plan. Seems a lot of folks suddenly want her dead too, but she's seen Ken come too far, only to throw it away and become a slobbering mess! She won't stand for it! Time to go to New Mexico, and get some friends and C4!

Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?

Probably can't be literal Walt as her friend, for legal reasons, but similar character. Some heists later, it's time to bust Barbie out of the slammer!

Would you all watch this Barbie movie? I agree with Shapiro that the one that got released is hot garbage. But this one? I'd consider watching.

9 mo
So just a quick update: Facebook is losing its mind over this pitch, everyone on DeviantArt loves Doomsday Prepper Barbie, and no one on GaG knows what to do with it.

Who knew a few dolls plugged into an AI with a premise that's almost believable could kick up so many hornets' nests?
Would you have preferred this Barbie movie?
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