That you can recall?
Here are some common old games you may have played before
That you can recall?
Here are some common old games you may have played before
The oldest video games I have played were Pong (on original arcade hardware) and text-based Star Trek on a CP/M machine in the 70s. I've also played dozens of mechanical and mechanical/optical arcade games that preceeded video games. I also played Space Wars, which was the first vector graphics arcade game - the controls were just a row of 5 square buttons because joysticks and round arcade buttons weren't a thing yet.
I remember playing all of the pictured games when they were initially released - having mowed a lot of lawns for the money to do so. The 80s was an exciting time with new instant-classic video games being released constantly. And back then, Chuck E. Cheese was not marketed to 5 year olds but to teens, and they were packed full of both the latest video games plus lots of older ones that you rarely saw anywhere else - it was the Dave & Busters of the day.
The best places were one-off tourist traps. There was a place called Sam's Town outside of Sacramento on the way to Reno. There was a big restaurant, several gift shops, and a giant warehouse arcade with everything from the latest video games to old mechanical games from the 30s, early pinball games from the 50s, and all kinds of mechano-optical games that pre-dated video games. This was stuff you couldn't find anywhere, and my adult self is amazed that they were able to keep all these machines working. I'm sure some of those games were barely above prototypes, with likely less than 100 units produced. Some game repair company must have made a fortune working for them.
This is Space Wars - which most people have probably never seen, but you can see that it was clearly developed further (and in many ways, simplified, but also refined) into Asteroids. But Space Wars allowed 2 players to play against each other, and the game allowed a number of modifications - you could turn on a "sun" in the center of the screen, which had a gravity well that would pull you in if you weren't careful, but could also be used to rapidly change your direction by flying close to it. You could also make the screen edge a boundary, so that you would bounce off of it instead of wrapping around from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right.
Check out this straight row of square buttons - very little in the way of ergonomics back in 1977 when this was released. But it was still a very fun game, and it was very futuristic when it was released. Vector graphics may have looked simple, but the game play was fantastic. It's amazing they got so much performance out of such little CPU power.
Pong in mind, this reference is from the very first "The Simpsons" Halloween special "Treehouse of Horror" in 1990 in the middle segment "Hungry Are The Damned".
The other references are arcade machines in the background with "Pong 85" and "Pong 95" which I do not believe ever existed.
This is Pong from 1972... the ones you listed, I played Space Invaders in arcades in 1979 when I was also playing Asteroids and a few other games like Space Wars (akin to Star Trek). I played all the games mentioned except Super Mario Brothers which was a sequel to Donkey Kong (the original) which I was not really into. Tetris was in arcades just before 1989.
I was lucky; I was in my late teens and early 20s during The Golden Age of Video Games when so many new and varied and imaginative arcade video games proliferated. The home systems were fantastically lame compared to the arcade versions.
By the time fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat came out, it was over. Those were to arcade games what comic book movies are to movies: Repetitive, unimaginative shit.
If anyone cares, here's that whole segment "Hungry Are The Damned".
I thought I was going to win the prize with Mattel's Football, 1977.
Pong is utterly fascinating from an engineering perspective. It seems so simple on the surface. But once you start analyzing how it was designed, the laws of physics are at work. It makes you wonder if it didn't have a mini physics engine that was a separate module from the graphics... or were the graphics so simple that they didn't even worry and just did all the physics math in real time?
The first video game I can recall playing was Pong and Space Invaders on the Atari system. I played all the games listed in your question though. I even had a wristwatch that had Frogger on it, and boy did I love that watch, my 7th-grade year I spent mastering Frogger on my wristwatch.
However, my favorite old-timer game has got to be Q*Bert! I spent many hours changing those color blocks and having snakes fall on my head!
Thanks for the MHO!
Of that list the oldest I've played was space invaders, BUT WHO COULD FORGET DIG DUG? THAT WAS A CLASSIC!!
Lol i used to work with a boss who'd call me 'dig dug' :P
I don’t know if it still stands, but at least as of 25 years ago, my buddy held the world record for points on that game, and a couple other Atari games. He had some big book that listed every game ever made, and all the records. I think he had the record for ET, too, unless I’m misremembering, and that’s just a world record for patience, because that game cold SUCKED, lmfao. I remember being like five or six years old playing that game, and even then I was like “fuck is this shit?”🤨😂
Dig Dug! I had that one in the 80s. lol
Maybe space invaders. I have played all of the older games listed and I may have played games that are not older but I don’t actually know the year most games came out in. I was born in the nineties and my sister in the early/mid eighties so I was exposed to a lot of older games mostly because of either my dad or aunt introducing them to us. I really liked the original mortal kombat games, street fighter, columns, sonic, and zombies ate my neighbors but I think those were all 80s/90s
If you've played pong that ones probably the oldest most have played
I’ve played Space Invaders, but I’m wondering if Pong is older.
Shoutout to one of my favorite old t-shirts that I STILL have, 20 years later…
But what I've played all of those? Good grief I'm old, LOL
I even remember that Pong game (though I only played it at the arcade, not the original version on atari). But I'm going to go with Mario because that was the year I was born and the first console I owned (NES). The rest of the games I played at the arcade, stores, or on my brother's console
asteroids from '79 for atari 2600
@abc3643 Actually it came out in 1977 "Released on 11 September 1977,"
Does Pinball count? Probably not. My neighbor who had a pool growing up in California had a full size arcade Space Invaders game we would play when swimming. I remember my dad bringing home Pong and then the Atari 2600 when they were both first released.
“Super” Mario was 1985? Maybe I remember the Super Nintendo as my parents hooked it up then played Mario all night while I watched as a kid…. early 90s I want to say.
Yup and Mario Bros was 1983
First video game I ever saw was Pong. That's the one that looks like and plays abit like tennis or ping pong. Next was space invaders, and after that I honestly lost track.
Pong which is from the 70's. Pac man as well, galaxian, Tetris of course and a lot of IBM, MSX, Atari and Sega games
I think space invaders. We had an old system (I can't remember which one) that had it and games like duck hunt and stuff on it
Pong. I still have an Atari 2600. lol I've played all of the games above, and several more in the past.
I also forgot to mention I have also played Pong in both full-sized arcade games, as well as a tabletop arcade.
... And "tabletop", as in literally an arcade game with a glass top and a screen underneath it.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit on the PS2. Though you could also say the oldest game I played was a Pokémon game on a game boy but I did t actually sit and progress through it. So yeah, NFS.
I think I still have a Binatone home video game with pong, tennis, and target shooting (which you could "win" by pointing the gun at any source of light). 1981, I think.
I used to have a Tamagotchi when I was like 7
Its space invaders and Super Mario bros for me
Pong. Came out in 1972. I didn't play it til the early 80s though. '82 or '83.
I think it's Pong, on our Atari game console.
This one.
I think the best time I had playing a video game was zelda: ocarina of time.
I've never actually played any of these, but I've heard about them.
That was "Pong".
There weren't too many alternatives back then.
when the game first came out I enjoyed playing it. Now I could care less about the games waste of my time. But my grandkids love playing games.
I go back as far as Pong on an arcade machine in 1972, then on a home machine in 73 which came with an assortment of other games.
Space Invaders and Pong.
S. I. from this list. Pong and several of the other ATARI original games for our 2600.
I’ve played all of those.
I’ve even played Pong,(1972), on a retro game system called the Atari.
Frogger. And then later the original Prince Of Persia and Lemmings.
Does Pong count? Lol
Space invaders/pong, the first game I ever owned and played was sonic the hedgehog though
Pong. I believe that predates all of those.
No idea. I've played space invaders.
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