The importance of family time!


The importance of family time!

Our family......the one we grew up with......the one that saw us grow up, that was here during our good and bad times..! I may agree that in some cases...some people aren't in good terms with their family or that they are in conflict with them..BUT one should be able to realize why these times are so precious!!!

The importance of family time!

Why should there be family time?

1. There is more communication among family members(more time to talk and listen).

2. This helps in the proper development of children.

3. It strengthens family bond(this improves mutual respect).

4. This helps to create a connection or a reconnection (if members have been having a bad relationship with each other previously)

5. It reduces stress.

6. Kids will tend to do better at school.

7. This will help in developing parenting skills in the younger ones.

8. To teach familial values/traditions.

9. Family time is sacred time.

10. Life's too short!!! the lost of a family member can occur at any time... #NoNeedToHaveRegrets

*Every family is not perfect* (i just wanted to make this clear)

Just make sure things don't be like this:

The importance of family time!

So GAGers...what's your point of view on family time?

The importance of family time!

The importance of family time!
10 Opinion