I Prefer To Not Have Kids Because I'm Afraid...

I Prefer To Not Have Kids Because I'm Afraid...

1. I'm afraid I can't provide them with everything they want

Kids cost so much money. They cost around $200,000 before they turn 18. What if college education gets too expensive and I can't pay out of my pocket? I don't want the government to pay for what I made.

2. I'm afraid they will be too tall

What if they inherit more of my genes and eventually hate how tall they are? They will probably get rejected for being too tall, especially my daughter.

I Prefer To Not Have Kids Because I'm Afraid...

3. I'm afraid they might get bullied

I don't want them to get hurt.

4. I'm afraid they would reject me and leave me

I hate rejection, especially if it's from someone I love so much. I don't want my children to leave me the same way I left my mom.

5. I'm afraid they could die before I die

Like what if they get cancer, commit suicide, or get murdered by a psychopath? I don't want to live to see them dead before I die.

6. I'm afraid they could get a disease

I don't think I can watch my child in the emergency room! I don't want to watch my child suffer from mental illness or any another disease. My mom has schizophrenia and what if my child gets it? One of my cousins got cancer in high school. What if one of my kids gets cancer during their childhood? I can't imagine what I would go through. I am so scared of having a child who will have a lifelong disease that can't be cured. I don't want to watch them suffer.

I Prefer To Not Have Kids Because I'm Afraid...

7. I'm afraid they might not be successful in life

I don't want to be disappointed by their mistakes.

8. I'm afraid they will embarrass me

I would be so embarrassed if they are rude, impolite, or horrible human beings. It wouldn't be my fault; their free will chooses to not follow my teachings.

9. I'm afraid I will not see them as much as I want to

I know if I have kids, I will want to spend time with them. What if I'm too busy or I get a divorce and the mother gets most of the custody? I'd be doomed because I'm paying and I can't see them.

10. I'm afraid of my children taking up more of the world's resources

Humans already overpopulate the earth and each human uses up a lot of resources. Each human produces an amount of carbon dioxide in the air. If the population increases, then the environment will sustain more damage and extinction of other animals. I don't like the idea of creating more humans who will help eventually destroy the Earth.

I Prefer To Not Have Kids Because I'm Afraid...

However, if I have a child (by accident), I will provide whatever I can and I will love it so much, boy or girl doesn't matter.

I Prefer To Not Have Kids Because I'm Afraid...
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