4 Things That Irritate Child Free People About Parents

4 Things That Irritate Child Free People About Parents

1. Parents who insist no childfree/less person is ever busy/tired

4 Things That Irritate Child Free People About Parents

Some parents insist that if you have no children, you must have tons of never ending free time and you can't ever possibly be as tired as they are. They act as if no one else can ever be tired or be as busy or have stuff that fills their days and nights. What fills our time may not be a living human being, but assuming that we don't know or can't possibly know what exhaustion feels like or that we don't have stuff to do or that we just automatically want to participate in something because of this alleged free time, is irritating. Tired is tired and it should not be a competition over how crappy you both feel or how much sleep you both need.

2. Parents who ignore their screaming/crying children for an unreasonable amount of time

4 Things That Irritate Child Free People About Parents

NO, I am not talking 5, 10, 15 minutes here. NO I am not talking about in child-friendly environments where one should expect children to be like at a park/children's fair. I am talking if we're in at the start of a movie, and your child is screaming, we should not be all the way into the end credits, and you've not made a single move to take that child outside to have his or her tantrum.

Kids cry...they sure do...you can't control that a lot of times...also true... but past a certain amount of time, you have no respect or you don't care about anyone else around you who is trying to enjoy an activity they paid for or wanted to see and enjoy. You know as a parent how irritating the endless wailing and crying is...no parent loves that...and yet, it's okay in that parents mind to just inflict that on others. It's different if you're trapped on a plane, you have no choice, no one does, but in other situations, you do, and you absolutely are being inconsiderate.

3. Parents who think your life is meaningless because you have no kids

4 Things That Irritate Child Free People About Parents

I've actually had people say to me, you just don't what life is or to know love without having children. So should I pull out the hanging rope now or later? I mean, what is this? Just because you've found meaning and purpose in nothing else but your kids, doesn't mean others without children don't have purpose, can't know love, or have empty lives without them.

This is an especially a-hole thing to say to those that don't know a thing about someone's situation. What if a person physically cannot have kids---you're telling them they are useless people which is a pile on to what they may already be feeling about their lack of kids in life...but these people don't seem to care. It's all about them and their kids and impressing on the world that they are the standard of what life 'has to' look like.

4. Parents who demand you bring life into this world

4 Things That Irritate Child Free People About Parents

So a parent has just sat there explaining to you in great detail how incredibly hard it is to be a parent, and how expensive it is, and how exhausted they are, and how their older ones are always getting in trouble and they have to go down to the school to deal with them, and how they never seem to have enough time. As a childless person, you know your own life and it's demands and what you can and can't handle. You know for sure that you're not ready or will never be ready to take on that level of ultimate responsibility.

Maybe you travel all the time and don't want to have a kid grow up always wondering where mom/dad is. Maybe you're still dealing with trauma's from the past or psychological issues, or maybe, just maybe, for no other reason than you simply don't want kids, you, well, don't want kids...so why is it that these parents demand that you have children? They tell you every time they see you, you need to have some kids. They've determined for you that one year of marriage is the right time "for you" to have kids. Who's life is this? Are they going to take care of the kids they want you to have?!?

4 Things That Irritate Child Free People About Parents
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