Why I Don't Like MOST People


1. They lie when it isn't necessary

Why I Don't Like MOST People

Of course everyone lies sometimes. Everyone has lied but most people lie for no reason at least according to my experiences. Now this may be partly because I grew (and am still growing up) in a manipulated family who lies a lot. They will say small stupid things like oh I've heard of that and then say oh I have never heard of that. To change stories, which is called gaslighting. A lot of will do that not only my family members but also friends.

2. Most people will mock you

Why I Don't Like MOST People

Most people will mock people whenever they can. They will give you the rolling eyes, they will call you mean stuff and most of all when something bad happends to you or if you are hurt they will laugh at you.

3. Most people manipulate people

Why I Don't Like MOST People

Most people I have met have used me and other people have talked about people using them. They will lie to you for a whole year or even more and then take of their mask and hate you from no where. They will get you to tell them stuff by making up lies about them that seam personal so you give them information.

4. They use you

Why I Don't Like MOST People

Most people will use you. For example a girl in my school used me for a year to help with her homework cause I'm the smartest in school and she is the opposite lol and then from no where she started hanging out with the guy who sexually assaulted me which she knew and she even hated him for a while. More things like that has happened to me and I'm sure most people you guys meet too also use you.

5. Most people will ignore you

Why I Don't Like MOST People

Most people will ignore you when they can. They will read your messages and leave it on read and then make up some lame lie when you ask why they did it. They won't say hi to you when you walk by even if you know them and they will ignore you as much as they can. If you brush your hair while looking in the mirror they will stand in front of you and take selfies pf themself or admire themself in the mirror to annoy you and to completely ignore you.

6. Diss you when they can

Why I Don't Like MOST People

They will cancel last minute many times. They will do these bullshit apologies and never show up. You can call 10 times and had it all planned with the person and they still won't show up.

7. Talk shit about you

Why I Don't Like MOST People

Most people will talk shit about you. They will look at you and laugh at you when you walk by and they will sit in groups and complain about how you suck in everything out loud when you aren't there and even when you are there. Now if people wanna talk about me that's fine lol but it is low that's why I don't like it.

8. Complain about you

Why I Don't Like MOST People

Most people will complain about everything you do. Even if you clean the whole house, do all the homework, wear the style they like they will still complain. Because according to them you can't do anything right and everything is your fault. If someone hits you it's your fault. If someone sexually assaults you it's your fault. (It's not but according to them it is).

9. Doesn't believe you

Why I Don't Like MOST People

They will never believe you no matter what it is. Even if you have proof they won't believe you. They will not even believe you if you call in an emergency or if you are sick. Of course some will but most people won't.

10. Break the usual rules

Why I Don't Like MOST People

And with that I mean they (your close friends/relatives) will date your ex and they will hang out with the people who abused you. All of it hasn't happened to me but the second one happens a lot to me and I know some have had to deal with both.

OBS! This is based on my life experiences and obviously it's not about all but most people I have known for more than 6 months does these things. This is NOT meant to offend anyone. Can you relate and what do you think of it?

Why I Don't Like MOST People
27 Opinion