Girlfriends Needed


Why every Girl needs Girlfriends

Girlfriends Needed


I have heard before from ladies saying they do not need or have girlfriend's. Some even say that they do not get along even with other women. They are more comfortable with male friends and do not need any female friends.Those women are fine being "just one of the guys". The statement above is false to me if not pure BS. You do need female friends in life. Here are some reasons girlfriends are priceless to me and truly needed.

Girlfriends Needed

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Science proves men and women think differently. Men think more logic based and women tend to think more based on emotion. You can just not expect to be comforted or consoled by a male friend the way you would be by a female friend. Guys tend to sympathize with someone however, women actually empathize with the person. Men just do not view things the same way as women view them period. Women simply can relate to other women better than any man could relate to them.We also have more in common that allows girlfriend's to bound with each other quickly. Things common between women interest similarities, and life experiences we share.

Girlfriends Needed

One reason girlfriend's are so needed in your life is they are more empathetic towards you then a me are. This means showing more empathy and compassionate to you in deep times of needs, or hardships.That is a very important trait to have is empathy in any relationship.

Girlfriends Needed

Sex and Nature

So, when you are heartbroken about a failed romance girlfriend's understand more because most have been in the same situation and felt the same exact emotions as you.The sexual potential thing is also difficult for me to overlook. Sometime concerning friendships with men. There is a high possibility one friend could develop feelings for the other. This as we all know is usually a friendship killer. A good amount or most opposite sex friendships at some point become sexual. That is really a huge friendship killer too.

Girlfriends Needed
Girlfriends Needed
13 Opinion