Everyone has accepted me for who I am and don’t ask for details about my background
Everyone has accepted me for who I am and don’t ask for details about my background
That’s fantastic. 😊👍. Good on you Jen.
@KathrynTaylor thanks for your reply
You’re welcome Jen 😊👍
How could we not except you your a real sweetheart
You're very welcome honey bunny
That's wonderful, because you are one of the nicest, most good hearted people on this site, ma'am.
I think you just put your authentic self out there which is one of the bravest things anyone can do. I’m honored to be your wing woman and love all the ways we imagine things we would really like to do together. Thanks for being my first lady friend on GAG and I know I can talk about anything with you🤗
Bless you sweetheart 💕
Jen, they are going to delete this if it’s not a MyTake, as there is no question.
That being said, I totally agree with you. I too have made a lot of friends here. Some I consider to be VERY close friends. Friends whose well being is very important to me.
@CrazyGirl2 I don’t really care if they do
Okay sweetie. Just trying to be of help. I promise not to make that mistake again.
@CrazyGirl2 I know you’re always helping me out and I’m so grateful for you being here for me
Jen, you need to post this as A “mytake.”Questions will be deleted if they are not in question form. It’s a hassle, but yes.
So glad you are feeling supported and welcome 🙏🏼 ✨💚✨💚✨
people are different world would be boring if everyone was same
I feel the same way here. Some people were really toxic but I made a few long term friends. I am still friends with my Turkish acquaintance from here. Seyda will be really happy to know everyone is here.
It's not much but it's definitely a good place. I am genuinely gotten good advice and been happy to provide help especially those regarding break ups and relationship. May people's lives get better. I am glad that I am part of this community 😁.
Aww you're lucky!
🙂 I wonder what you did differently. I feel as if I don't have THAT many on here.
@TenderFantasy I’m not sure
If I can make an educated guess it's probably (in no particular order):
1. Your name (it sounds like Gen Z and there are a lot of GenZers here) lol.
2. Your looks. Since you posted your real pic (wow that was brave haha), maybe people LIKE dirty blondes with cute glasses haha.
3. Some of your responses, answers, comments, maybe a lot of people can agree with maybe?
4. You seem like a nice person. I think so anyway. 🙂
You accept us the way we are as well, karma hits back. Remember that. You show good qualities, you get back good qualities.
Yes, we have accepted you as you are. I for one am very happy and impressed to see you grow and improve your life. And I very much would like to be a part of your life moving foward, hearing about how you're progressing and sharing our triumphs and friendship.
Everybody should be accepted for who they are.. But the fact that you are awesome makes it so much better and I love you for that.
I'm glad that we met!! 🫂
❤️ You!!
Well if you are friendly, kind, caring, sweet, loyal and open minded you can be my friend irrespective of your background. All I care is kindness, loyalty and open mindedness in a lady
Hey babe 🧕 it’s me “J”
Wow it's a coincidence ❤️
I wrote comment on your question year ago 😘 I know it's you 🥰
You've always been very nice. I'm glad and not surprised you've made a lot of friends on here.
You are the first person to send me message on here as a friend, and I really think you are awesome and kind 🫂
I'm glad you made a lot of friends and that you enjoy being here. :)
You always seemed like a nice kid to me. I always appreciated your kind words
You're a good person. Of course they will accept you the way you are. I'm glad I met you here
I am always glad to see quality members participating on this site. Thanks for being here!
@Jennz6 I dont care about your past. I just care about you.
How could we not except you? Your a major sweetheart and oh so fun to chat with
I'm glad I could help
Coz you’re a beautiful person…inside and out
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