Why do my crush's friends make fun of me?

At college I overheard my crush (who I think likes me) and his friends talking. This happened after I messaged him to hang out with me.

His female friend and one guy friend mock me. They like to get him closer to me too. One time they told him they think I have a crush on him when I was across the room and then female friend said it's cute when he sits by me. I left to go to the washroom and when I got back him and his female friend were sitting beside me for no apparent reason. The other guy friend that hangs out with them is actually quite nice and respectful.

I have mutual friends with my crush and his friends and our mutual friends know nothing about my crush and I liking each other, not that they need to know anyway.

His friends mock me even if my crush is not around among each other. When he is there, he doesn't find them funny. They still look at me all the time. Sometimes they tease my crush when I walk by.

Why do they make fun of me? Maybe my crush likes me or maybe he doesn't?
Why do my crush's friends make fun of me?
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