Dreams about my best friend's boyfriend. =(

First of all, I don't think he is attractive. He is Iranian and my best friend is Hispanic. OK. Here we go. When we were on this field trip last week it was this guy that liked me, me, my best friend, and her boyfriend. We were all in the back of the van on the way back in that exact seating order. We'll my boyfriend was all cuddled up with her boyfriend and I was uncomfortable with the dude who liked me beside me. Well her boyfriend would put his arm around my best friend and he would "accidentally" brush his hand across my lower back and my thighs. This is NOT just a coincidence! This is like the 10th time he has done that since me and my best friend been friends. He is always joking and messing around with me and when I wear hats he likes to knock them off my head. And we argue sometimes! When we are in class I happen to look up and he is staring at me and when I walk with my back towards him, I feel his eyes looking dead at me. He makes this face when I hug other dudes and he kinda stands up for me in a way. And one time I turned fast unexpectedly and he was staring at my butt. Trust me, I know he was.

Now here are the dreams: I had one dream that we were having passionate sex and it was very graphic and we were keeping us a secret.

Then I had another dream the next night and we were all huggy and kissey and I love you kinda crap. And my best friend found out!

Just tell me what the heck is going on! Please!


Dreams about my best friend's boyfriend. =(
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