If your FWB got pregnant?

Say you and your best friend have a little extra to your friendship. You're not sleepin with or seein anyone else and neither is she.


You find out she's (oh no) pregnant.

Now you both are adults. (He's 26) but you aren't quite in the best position to have a family yet.

What do you do?

Do you leave? Do you stay friends and help with the kid? Do you try to tell her to abort the baby or put it up for adoption?

GIRLS: How would you tell him? What would you do?

What if you were thinking about moving (due to financial strain) back across the country to your parents (just to get on your feet)? Would you go anyway or would you stay and struggle?

How upset would you be? Would you end the friendship with her? (she was on birth control, but messed up on her days)

Any and all answers appreciated. Thanks!
Exit Stage Left: I don't want no baby mama drama!
Try and make things work. You love her anyway, now there's just more to it
Still move back home. If only just for a bit to get back on my feet. I'd send her money though
It would destroy our friendship. I'd try to help support the baby, but I could never trust her again
I'm an adult. I'd man up to my responsibilities
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Thanks JLD! I didn't even think that I should update everyone. Well, I decided to hold off telling him until after the doctors had confirmed it (all I had were the home pregnancy results) and sadly I found out that I'd had something called
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a "Chemical Pregnancy" where you miscarriage really early on. I was very upset for a while, but I'm doing a lot better now. Thanks to everyone for your answers and your help. God bless! Oh and he and I did end up having a convo like "what if" and he
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said it's something that you deal with and take care of, that he'd make it work somehow. So it's good to know that I'm not wasting my time with a loser, but I'm gonna be more diligent with my birth control until I'm ready to have a baby :-)
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I still get votes on this every now and again and I just wanna applaud all the guys that voted. The majority of them (29) would make the effort to make it work and take care of things. That's awesome! Good for the guys out there :-D
If your FWB got pregnant?
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