Why does my friend never support my posts?

First off, I know this sounds very shallow that I’m even concerned about this, but one of my closest friends never ‘likes’ any of my selfies or photos of me on social media. I’ve noticed that if I post a photo of scenery or anything else she will like that photo, but when I post a photo of myself she never likes it. It’s weird because she will talk to me in person about those photos and say things like ‘you take good selfies’ or ‘I saw a lovely photo of you the other day you posted’ and she usually asks me how I do my makeup for photos. So I find it strange how she mentions that she has seen the photo, but she chooses not to like it. I know I feel like it’s petty but it annoys me because it’s girl code for close friends to support each other online and like each other’s photos. I always like photos she posts of herself. I have also noticed she has no problem liking other people’s photos. She is close friends with this other girl, and she likes every single one of her photos on Instagram, but I’ve known her for much longer, and we’ve been friends since primary school, yet she can’t even support me and like any of my photos.

The most recent time I spoke to her she told me that we are similar and that I don’t have much confidence like her. This feels strange because my other friends tell me how confident I am, and they tell me how much I’ve grown in confidence since leaving university.

why does she find it so difficult to like a photo I post of myself?
Why does my friend never support my posts?
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