Would you rather live RICH or POOR?

  • A rich life but no freedom
You live a rich life with material things but you are "limited". You are forced to follow your family's demands and neglect your own. They smear your name to the public if you commit mistakes and deny physical and mental abuse to anyone. They live with superiority making you feel small, unheard, and not good enough. You ride in a luxurious with them but you don't have any authority to use it. You cannot make any friends because they keep you and if you do, they will be turned against you and looked down on you. You have material things in life like a comfortable bed, nice gadgets, money but except for freedom and no happiness.
  • A poor life but with freedom
You live a poor life with no material things but you can always make your own decisions without others' approval. You cannot afford expensive things but you can do things that make you happy. No one will judge you, harm you and your mental health is always at peace. You live alone with only one or few trusted friends who make you feel that you belong. You had a chance to interact with people and make supportive friends. Though at times, there might still be difficult people around. You live a poor life but with freedom. You have a simple bed, inexpensive gadgets, simple life, small money but you can experience real life.

If you are only given these two options and situations in life, "Would you rather live RICH or POOR?

(Vote and Comment)
A rich life but no freedom
A poor life but with freedom
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+1 y
*You ride in a luxurious car with them* (TYPO ERROR)
Would you rather live RICH or POOR?
2 Opinion