How do I deal with feeling like the the less attractive friend?

I have a really beautiful best friend. And I love her to death, I couldn’t say anything bad about her. But lately when I’m next to her I feel invisible. I never felt like this before around her because we were always so balanced. We’d get hit on equally, if we hung out with groups of people we always had people to talk to, etc. And our looks are definitely on a very different scale which is why we were always so balanced, (I’m 5’6 with straight hair and a curvy body while she’s 5’3 with curly hair and also a curvy body).

Well, lately when I’m with her i feel invisible. I don’t want this feeling to get in the way of our friendship because i know she loves me and i love her. But it’s just a hard feeling to cope with. she’s short, beautiful, has a great personality, has her life together, etc., and I’m tall, shy, don’t have my life together right now.

I’ve been trying to tell myself that it’s just not my time and she’s shining right now because it’s definitely her time. But I don't know, she makes me feel like the less attractive friend these days. And the biggest thing is that she makes me feel like I’m not loved enough. She has so many people who love her so much and talk so highly of her, and i compare the number to mine and i feel like i don’t have anyone but like 3 people including her.

I don’t mean to compare but it’s hard not to. We went from being balance to her outshining me in ever possible way. And I know this sounds like jealousy but it’s not, I’m happy for her considering that she has come a long way. I just need some words of wisdom for the dark cloud hanging over my head.

Another example of what I’m feeling is this: recently, I had a birthday dinner and invited different groups of my friends. All of my guy friends were just flirting and competing to get her attention and they were saying things like “how does it feel to be the most beautiful girl here” etc. I felt so invisible. At my own birthday.
How do I deal with feeling like the the less attractive friend?
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