Is it kind of annoying if someone asks you what you think of them?

wondering how that question comes across to people.

I sometimes ask this of people out of pure curiosity. I like what i think of myself and what others think of me to be somewhat congruent cause it makes me feel im truly authentic in a way.

I know you shouldn't care what others think but if there's a common bad trait people are citing about you it might be time to reflect upon that and maybe change that. I wanna be the best version of myself basically.

anyways so yeah what goes through your mind about a person asking you this question?
It’s annoying
Only if its constantly asked
I dont find it annoying
I ask people this myself sometimes
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I personally only usually ask once or twice after talking to them awhile.
+1 y
Hmm i didn't think this type of question was all that annoying. I understand if its constantly asked like many questions like it. But i never found it annoying if anyone asked it of me once or twice.
Is it kind of annoying if someone asks you what you think of them?
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