Relationship with very religious mom?

So, my whole family is pretty heavily Christian. Most particularly, my mom.
I love my mom. She is a sweet lady for the most part. But I STRUGGLE with our relationship.
I just had the 3 hour usual visit "talk" about God and the Bible because she asked me about the doctor I wanted to see to get sterilized and went on and on about how I'll change my mind and it's a SUCH a wonderful experience even if you "don't" want it? And that if I'm not married it isn't a concern anyways because I should be abstinent because SHE is.
Then it continues with her reiterating the same phrases I heard in church growing up about how we're all sinners and we have autonomy but don't use it too much etc.

Its just very frustrating. She's my mom and I love her but our fundamental beliefs are so different. It feels like I'll never be a valid adult in her eyes because I'm not on the *right* path. And short of being married and "following God's plan" I'll never be that. No relationship will ever be valid. I just feel invalid to her.

But I feel like it's not from malice so much as it's from a place of true fear because she's been so c
onditioned to believe that. It just makes our relationship by default feel superficial. Because i can't share my life without wondering if I'm being judged on how sinful literally anything is or not.
1 y
I am trying to be more patient as about 7 months ago we lost my younger (23) sister to an overdose and I know she's going through a lot. It's definitely been hard on us all. It just is a struggle and I'd appreciate advice on how to calm myself about it
1 y
I should also add she lives out of state and is visiting/ staying with me for a week
Relationship with very religious mom?
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