Do you feel like an old soul?


My grandmother always referred to me as an old soul told me while I was growing up I was different from the kids my age group. I do remember this one time in first grade kids were like eww nasty laughing thier kissing at a movie scene in my mind I was thinking big deal it's just a kiss or other example when kids laugh at underwear I tough so that's normal everyone wears underwear. Yes I had a hard time fitting in with kids in my childhood I never seem to connect with people in my age group it was always older people I had conversations. Now almost 30 it seems like I don't agree with some of the topics people my age group agree with. When I was 21 everyone that I graduated highschool wanted to go out to clubs party and get drinks that wasn't me I wasn't never interested in that kind of stuff I enjoy more sitting out doors in the sunlight relaxing. Came anyone related?

Do you feel like an old soul?
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