Trying to understand my rude friend dont plan see him again?


i arranged to go out for some drinks as he moved nearby. Never seen him much for years tbh more a friend from childhood and then late teens.

When we went to bar just saying horrible things. I will list make it easier.

- i check girl in bar. Him- why you looking at her she wouldn't go near you.

- can't recall subject but reffering to a fight incident. Him- you couldnt fight anyone. Youd get beaten up. (This coming from a guy half my size who i once knocked out with one punch at a drunk party after some drunken events.)

- saying everyone refers to me as cheapskate. Trying get free drinks etc. (I never even go out or drink haha)

- Smokiny a cigarette. Him (why you holding it like that you look gay)

LIke this was basically the whole night insult after insult meanwhile i dont say one bad thing.

Any amateur psychologists here just trying understand whats going?

NEedless to say not going meet him again and deleted from social media.

Trying to understand my rude friend dont plan see him again?
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