Are my parents strict or no?

I won't say my parents completely hate me but the problem is that my mother doesn't care sometimes to what I tell her, she doesn't take me to places where my friends would go (she would say due to a financial issue, although I know she can at least but sometimes it's fr) or she says words to me. She complains so much (ik some moms do this but she literally caused my anxiety, in addition to dad hitting me when I was a preteen). However she's nice sometimes and cares about me and gives me advices. Dad loves my younger brother, she gives him more money behind my back and badmouth me to his friends sometimes. However he's a people pleaser and he suffers earning money for my fam. I know I should feel with them but sometimes they become so strict. For example taking my brother's phone all the time, not letting us go out and have fun, even school trips are paid by me, they're mean they never even care to give them back.
Are my parents strict or no?
Are my parents strict or no?
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