Am I the meanie?

I (21 F) want to start this off by saying that I really do love my boyfriend (22 M) with all my heart but he never really stands up for me towards his older sister (26-27 F) because she starts problems and he doesn't like conflict with his family members which I understand but it just sucks... then there are times she is nice to me but then she'll be really mean to me… (she compared me to my boyfriends best friend’s girlfriend and told me I need to be more like her… When I was doing my makeup she told me “You’re pretty but you not that pretty”, “My brother likes a traditional woman you need to step your game up.”, “Quit using school as an excuse” (which I really genuinely don’t), “You need to grow up.”, etc..) But then she'll definitely go back to being mean to me... I give her so many chances... but she says she's my "sister" so she can speak to me like that... And I did try standing up (in the kindest way) for myself but it always "you're too sensitive", "you need to grow up", etc... plus she will never really hear me out she’ll just yell at me… Also, I'm an older sister and I don't speak to my brother like that. My brother and I rarely ever fight... May I ask what can I do? I know this is going to sound bad but I did go through my boyfriends phone because I had a gut feeling that she was talking about me and I was right. After I stood up for myself she called me a stupid b—tch dumb and told him that I should switch college majors and get your dumb stupid b—tch girlfriend… then she called me fake, a stupid b—tch again… There are times she is nice (not a lot but she can be nice) to me but then she’s gets really mean to me out of no where even when I try to help her with things she asks for… but it makes me think does she really like me or is it an act? What should I do? Thank you to anyone who read all of this and for helping me!! I really appreciate it I just really have no one to go to… to talk about this situation…
Am I the meanie?
4 Opinion