Is this true for most adult children still living with their parents?

Let’s say you still stay with your parents but you’re still a responsible adult. You get up and go to work everyday. No one has to tell you to do that. You grocery shop, you shop for things you need and want. You cook. You clean. You learn from your mistakes. You can communicate effectively. You have no problem taking accountability. You get up and do things in your own without telling them etc but because you still live with your parents, regardless of all those adult things you do, they still see/treat you like a child simply because you still stay with them. Why is that? Is it because that even though you have grown and don’t think or act the way you did when you were their little girl or little boy, if you still stay with them in your late twenties or when you’re 30, none of those adult things about you matters because you still live amongst them? Moving out to most parents means “adult” even if you can’t keep up with the rent/bills. It doesn’t matter. You’re still an adult because you made the step to move out. It makes sense but at the same time it seems superficial

1 mo
I meant to just say “adult” only. The question seems to contradict itself lol
Is this true for most adult children still living with their parents?
Post Opinion