how do I reconnect/ rebuild with a friend. Normally I would push and fight, and it takes everything in me not to
1 mo
how do I reconnect/ rebuild with a friend. Normally I would push and fight, and it takes everything in me not to
Don't wait for your friend to approach you. Approach them and have a nice chat, one-on-one.
I feel like I’m always reaching out and I don’t wanna force anything. And at this point, it just seems awkward and weird. I’m not sure how to make some common ground with this person.
Spend time together in the group and let things develop on their own schedule.
People like that are usually just shy. Gotta give 'em time and show them that you aren't in any rush.
just talk to him... one on one, simple
What happened?
A friend decided to take space from me but started popping up in group messages and phone calls. But not a one on one conversation.