How do I make my boyfriend want to spend more time with me (without his friends)? What should I do?

So my boyfriend is 18 years old, the same age as me. We have been together for over a year now. He’s really kind and sweet at times and can be caring, but whenever I mention about his friends he gets so angry with me. I understand that he needs time to spend it with his friends but I feel like he prioritizes them over me. Whenever we hang out at his place I just want to spend alone time with him so we can hang out and enjoy spending time with each other but I can’t when he invites his friends over every time, or says yes when they ask to come over. I do like his friends and a lot of them are single, but it’s just annoying how they’re always there when I want to hang with my boyfriend. He knows how I feel about having his friends come over all the time but he doesn’t really care and he’ll do anything to spend time with them. I try discussing how I feel about it to him and how I just want to have some alone time with him and he goes off his head at me and says “well you just have to get used to it because it’s not going to change”, “well maybe I just will say no to you and see how you like it”, “well I like having them around because they make me happy and aren’t annoying like you!” It upsets me, all I want to do is spend time with him, but he can’t even do this one thing for me, even if it’s just occasionally we have alone time. He says that I’m selfish and that eventually his friends will hate me if I keep acting the way I am and that they’ll tell him to dump me, but isn’t he also selfish to not consider how things make me feel and not thinking of what I want?

All I want is to feel like an important person in his life, I felt like I once did. Yesterday he even told me to hurry up so he could meet my mum in town because he wanted to hang out with his friend, but I didn’t need to be there for another hour and was waiting in the cold for 40 minutes. I wanted to spend more time with him and he just said ‘no hurry up I want to hang with my friend”. It left me wondering if he even cares for me at all.

I do love him and care for him a lot and I don’t want to break up with him, he means so much to me. We fight over this a lot and I told him that if he didn’t keep doing it then we wouldn’t fight over it, but he’s not willing to change it. He knows that he means a lot to me, but I feel like a less important person to him now. It feels like I’m only there whenever he has free time. I don’t know what to do anymore, I’ve tried to discuss it with him but he just won’t compromise. I’ve been thinking whether to just go and do my own thing with my own friends and spend less time with him because all I’ve ever done is give up everything for him all the time.

Most of the time he’s a really loving and caring boyfriend, it’s just when I mention his friends or if I don’t like something he does, he gets angry with me. He always says I’m just jealous of his friends and that I sook to try and get my own way, but he doesn’t see things the way I do.

How do I make my boyfriend want to spend more time with me (without his friends)? What should I do?
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