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Questions: Family & Friends

Is it sexist to say that a girl should care more about hygiene than a boy?

My dad was angry at me cus I was wearing the same outfit for a week straight (the clothes don't smell promise), and I was having my period and blood leaked into my sweatpants and so my dad told me to change but i forgot i...
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Does it sound needy and pathetic if I ask guy if I can share a bed with him just to cuddle?

Whether it's boyfriend or male friend that is not interested in me. Can I ask them if I can put my arm around them while we watch a movie or sleep on a bed? Or does that sound needy?
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Have you ever lost a pet?

I mean, not a dying pet, but a missing one. So many people where I live have lost pets--especially cats. Yesterday my neighbor's girlfriend lost her cat. The cat was on the balcony a door from me. They can't figure out...
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Do you have black friends?

Do you have black friends?
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So I've been living a lie my whole life?

I don't know what to think anymore nor what to believe. About 2 weeks ago, my mom was arguing with a man. He had been coming before lately. The guy seemed mom's age and actually had a youthful face. I would guess he must...
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1. I told her about a guy that I have a crush on. She came to me one day and asked, what if your crush has a feeling for me? I was shocked, i knew we dont have the same type. I just laughed it off and ignored the...
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Pub night Wednesday with the boys (and girls)! What should I wear?

There’s probably no one there that I’ll meet. It’s purely a social outing with my two best friends and a group of other men and women, around our age, for dinner. At a fancy old pub. It’s winter here. Should I just focus...
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Am I a bad mother?

If my son is in the house just playing with toys he's in my line of sight so I can still see him even though I'm not directly watching him every second and I check my phone for a minute while still looking up at him would...
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Do you think this is fair?

So I have one friend who can’t drive because she doesn’t have her license. The rest of us do and give each other free rides all the time, kind of like a trade-off. Do you think it would be fair to only ask the friend who...
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Why is my sister so weird and stranged?

My sister was always belly in school. My motherad I never could understand why she was born stranged. She is always making friends with people who are twice her age. Even as a child when she was 6 she talk with adults non...
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My dad doesn't talk to me. Is it a good idea to give him a Father's Day present/card?

Actually we have a good relationship but we had a fight last month and he stopped talking to me. I think giving him a present or card might be good to start talking again but I am not sure if he will accept it. He is...
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Guys, if you thought your friends little sister was hot or looked hot, would you tell the sister in front of that friend?

I saw a scene from The Summer I Turned Pretty on TikTok related to this question and since I have an older brother, it got me wondering.
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He wants me. I don’t want him. Help, please?

My guy friend of 3 years who I’ll call *Derek* has come onto me really strongly. He was preening, looking at my breasts when he thought I wasn’t looking, enquiring about my relationship status and standing really close...
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Do you feel this site has too many social outcasts?

Like people who usually keep to themselves and don't express their views. Not people you would meet in your day to day life.
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Does my mom favour my younger sister over me?

my younger sis is 29 years old and lives on her own…she hasn’t been working for about 1.5 years now…. almost everyday my mom is going back n forth to my sisters place to help her out and pays for her groceries- my sister...
my younger sis is 29 years old and lives on her own…she hasn’t been working for about 1.5 years now…. almost everyday my mom is going back n forth to my sisters place to help her out Show More
Yes favours her
No/ other - pls explain.
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Why did my sister cut of contact with me and my mother?

My poor mother is 55 years old struggling with her health in a nursing home. Out of all the useless ungrateful siblings I have I am the only one who is taking care of my mother. My mom is my everything my best friend. My...
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Who is your role model, and has that changed since you were a kid?

If it has, who was your role model as a child?
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Why does my friend never support me but supports the other girl in the friendship group?

I’m in this friendship group it’s me and this other girl. I have noticed that of the girls in the friendship group always likes and supports my other o friends posts, but she never ever likes anything I post. I see that...
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