7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair


This is a mytake where I will point out the pros of having no body hair and no hair on the scalp.

7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

7. You don't have to shave your leg hair
7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

Seriously leg hair is just so annoying and for most people, and it will just keep regrowing over and over after about a week lol. Leg hair is just to unappealing regardless if you are male or female nobody wants to look at that even though we don't give it much thought leg hair is something in human evolution that needs to go.

6. No nose hair
7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

Okay none of yours are probably like this lol, but still nose hair is annoying. One of the main reasons why is because it can become really itchy. Not to mention it grows back really quickly; yeah that's just what we need, a tickle in our nose 24/7. Another perk of me having Alopecia areata I don't have to deal with any nose hair at all. No more having to find tweezers in my dresser drawer while trying to pluck those hairs out.

5. No having to shave your pubic hair
7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

Here is another thing I won't miss. I remember every few months I would get really hairy down there like a jungle gym; it would take so long even with a shaving machine, only for the hairs to start itching like crazy once trimming it down there. I would never even go fully bald there because it would itch too much and I couldn't be the only one, but I hated getting those red pimple like spots down there after shaving, but yeah I hated that too.

4. No more having to shave your beard

7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

Don't get me wrong, a beard can be great cause many women love it if you have the right amount so in other words, meaning you won't have attractive facial hair unless you groom it which takes a lot of work. I also didn't like all the cuts I would get when having to shave it off even with using shaving cream, and even with the best blades I would still manage to get a few cuts every now and there. Having to shave your beard with a machine then having to use a razor to get a clean shave is just a bit too much work, especially if you were one of those guys who used to regrow so much of it after a week shaving. Just doesn't seem like its worth it.

3. No having to spend all that money on haircuts
7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

Sure, having hair is great and it makes you more physically attractive, but being bald has some of its advantages as well. For instance, no having to buy adult shampoo to maintain a healthier hair, and you don't even have to use baby shampoo if you don't want. Just wash it with ivory soap. No having to dry your hair as well after showering or taking a bath, during the summer its cooler, less chances of getting fleas or lice lol, and people will wanna be your friend because they could use your shiny bald head as a reflection instead of using a mirror lol.

2. No having to shave your back hair
7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

This is something men really have to worry about, more for some unfortunate guys they have to deal with lots of back hair which results in a pain in having to shave it off. So instead, if they really want to get rid of it they have to go and wax it it which is very painful. Thankfully, I never had back hair even before I got alopecia hallelujah.

1. No having to shave your butt hair

7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair

LOl hahah here is something I will miss the least. Shaving your coin purse can be a real hassle you can't just do regular shaving with this just like with back hair, the spots you can reach around inside your anus is very limited not to mention after shaving it it becomes super itchy. A good amount of you women have to deal with this too at least having hair grow on the inside or your anus and rectum lol. I am actually not fully sure, but I think that you can get your butt hair waxed or there is like a special type of blade you could get for it if anyone knows correct me if I am wrong.

Hair is annoying, but its better to have hair then to have no hair at all at least with hair you get to take it away when you want

Having hair in some spots is a great thing, too much of anything is bad don't ever forget that. Having alopecia areata sucks and I wouldn't wish on most people having body hair is a good thing trust me take it from someone who has lived through the experience.

7 Things I Won't Miss About Having Hair
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