To Make-up or Not to Make-up

To Make-up or Not to Make-up

I was at a coffee shop when I overheard this conversation at a table next to me with what I presume were a group of friends. One of the guy said: "girls who wear make-up to cover up their acne, are lying and trying to deceive us guys. When it comes off, we feel like this is not the same girl we liked to begin with because she has essentially created this falsehood about how good she actually looks." One of the girl said in response: "honestly, do you want to see my acne because no one I know loves to look at acne. If that's your defense, then I'd say clearly you're attracted to the made up look and that is no fault of ours. How can you be deceived by red lipstick, blush on the cheek, eye shadow and everything else that makes it clear that girls like us are wearing make-up, not to mention the superficiality of it all by saying if not for our make-up, there is literally no other quality you'd like about us."

This same old debate seems to always come back around. We all know there are just naturally attractive women that can walk around without a stich of make-up and they look like supermodels, and lucky them, but then there is everyone else from the, just a touch of lipstick, to just need to cover up genetic dark under eye circles, to they have bad acne and there is nothing they haven't tried to rid themselves of it but the only thing they feel they can do now is wear make-up.

Everyone in the dating world is trying to compete with everyone else. That world is one that can be incredibly cruel to both men and women that don't fit into a certain archetype of what is generally considered attractive. It's no different in the rest of the animal kingdom. Those who have advantages, or make advantages for themselves will go further than those that say f-it and don't try anything and find they face overwhelming rejection.

To Make-up or Not to Make-up

If people with acne are constantly cruelly made fun or told they are unnattractive because of it, what advantage is it for them not to wear make-up if without it, they don't feel any sort of confidence or are constantly rejected or told they are ugly without make-up? It's laughable when people try to say to these same people, these things don't matter when they haven't spent a day, let alone a lifetime in their shoes when they are treated poorly simply for not being lucky enough to be born with beautiful radiant skin.

By wearing make-up, they are evening the odds out in their favor (just as a man deciding to lose weight/body build to be seen as more favorable to women might) and as the young woman said, how can it be a lie if they are quite obviously wearing make-up, i.e. eyeshadow or a blush that can clearly be seen like the women pictured. Unless you just don't know how make-up works, people do look different with and without it.

I think if you're like the guy in the coffee shop, if all natural is your thing, go find that girl. Don't go for the ones clearly wearing make-up if you feel like one's world is going to crumble if she looks different, but I think calling those girls liars is over the top. There is no deception to be had if you know...because you can see...that a girl is wearing make-up in the first place and if you like a made up girl, than you do.

To Make-up or Not to Make-up
22 Opinion