Fun with Floral

So Recently I was looking for inspirational photos and I found this one

Fun with Floral

Other than make me want to go the tropics myself :) It inspired me to want to pick out some floral outfits. I like going through fashion magazines and picking out outfits but google is like fashion magazines on steroids. All I need are good search words and I can find just about anything. But a good floral outfit is not always easy to find. Floral patterns either look good or flat and I find that most don't really pop out as much so it makes it tough especially when trying to pair that with the right outfit. Let's get started with some jackets.

Fun with Floral
Fun with Floral
Fun with Floral

Some pop really well based on length and others just pair really nicely with outfits but it really also works if you have a great pose :)

Fun with Floral

I think that floral leggings just go perfectly with boots but the sweater and leggings here just match so well together.

Now onto some floral suits

Fun with Floral
Fun with Floral
Fun with Floral

Some are suggestive while others really pop. But I think they all look and show confidence.

Fun with Floral

I think the shirt or leotard are a great match for this outfit but the see though part kind of detracts from it for me. I love the form fitting top but the see through kinda takes it a little far but again the pants and top are a great match together.

Fun with Floral

This really has a 60's or 70's type feel for me. I love the leather skirt matched with the floral top. The leather skirt and belt add a sexiness' yet matureness to the outfit and the floral helps to make it pop. The baggie sleeves wide neck also call attention. I think it fun and attention grabbing at the same time.

Fun with Floral

This one to me is really interesting. First of all combining a skirt and a jersey is kinda genius. In fact that's pretty much the only thing I like about it. I feel like if the skirt was a little bit more black it would have worked perfectly.

Fun with Floral

This floral dress is just stunning. It just looks fun and amazing. Kind of like a floral princess.

Fun with Floral
Fun with Floral

This next two are a bit different yet similar at the same time. Both have belts that really work well for them. Both have flower designs that pop and both kind of have jackets. The top black jacket really stands out brings attention to the waist. The bottom may not exactly have a jacket but a skirt covering that functions as a type of bottom jacket. In addition both dresses really focus on showing each models shape.

Fun with Floral
Fun with Floral
Fun with Floral

All three of these have a professional appearance. While the top is more a lounge type of work style all three have equal parts cuteness and confidence.

Fun with Floral

I hope you guys in enjoyed this last one. I hope you all have a good weekend

This final one is so simple yet so sweet at the same time. I can't say it is and while I prefer at different darker color top, I can't help but be hypnotized by the floral robe and jeans.

Fun with Floral
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