Are slightly flabby arms a dealbreaker?

Emilia Clarke is shamed for them for example despite being so beautiful, she seriously looks amazing, her body too. For me she's pretty much a perfect body&beauty example. I saw a lot of hate, nasty comments and skinny girls making fun of her, especially her sligthly flabby arms. (and yet she was voted as one of the sexiest women alive)

♦ That made me wonder if guys agree with this and also consider it very unattractive, a dealbreaker even? She has really short limbs, I don't have them as short but have similar arms to hers.

♦ Would you prefer toned arms?
an example
an example
They do not bother me, they're fine
They're unattractive
Prefer toned arms
Comments / no preference
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+1 y
I can't find the right pictures but Hillary Duff also has them.
Are slightly flabby arms a dealbreaker?
97 Opinion