Why do girls focus on details of their looks like hair, nails, makeup, and think those things matter, rather than actually important stuff-- weight?

Why do females think they should be told how pretty they are, and tell each other how pretty they are, just because they spent half an hour straightening their hair and another ten minutes on makeup? ... when the same chick is 5'5" and weighs 180 lb. or thirteen stone or whatever? Shouldn't they be focusing on things that actually matter in terms of attractiveness, such as exercising and eating healthily in order to lose weight, instead of low-effort short-term stuff that isn't important?
Why do girls focus on details of their looks like hair, nails, makeup, and think those things matter, rather than actually important stuff-- weight?
Guys, on the other hand, don't get a haircut if we're chunky and then think like "oh man now I'm hot and deserve a lot of Insta likes." We get off our butt and go to the gym and stop eating pizza as much. It's really not complicated.
+1 y
This was a rhetorical question, people. It's not something anyone with sense is actually confused about.
+1 y
Thank you for all the people who are smart enough to know that everything I said is true, and that it's a problem for the dating pool.
Why do girls focus on details of their looks like hair, nails, makeup, and think those things matter, rather than actually important stuff-- weight?
54 Opinion