Are physically unattractive people that way because of unlucky genetics or poor grooming?

We've all seen photos on here of guys claiming they can't get girls because they're ugly or average. They often have the idea that only guys who look like models ever get girls, which we all know is bollocks.

I get it that a few people have pulled the short straw when it comes to genetics and it's not their fault they look like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle. But most of these self labelled ugly guys aren't genetically any worse than mr average, they're just poorly groomed.

Your never going to look attractive if it looks like you cut your own hair in a mirror or your mother does it. Go to a professional barbers. As for facial hair, yes it looks good when well maintained on models but your wispy unkempt growth isn't fashionable, it makes you look scruffy. Poor skin? Try a different face wash, over the counter spot creams even chat to your doctor, there's no excuse to look like a pizza in this day and age.

So are most unattractive people simply unlucky or are they too lazy to groom themselves?
Are physically unattractive people that way because of unlucky genetics or poor grooming?
23 Opinion