What's the point of wearing this piercing?

No offense but I just don't understand why there's some people that wearing a septum piercing cuz personally, I think if you wearing it, you look like bull with nose ring and that's so funny 🤣
Whats the point of wearing this piercing?
Whats the point of wearing this piercing?
+1 y
I'm only talking about septum piercing
+1 y
Omg, why do people never read first before say something? I just wondering why there's some people wear a SEPTUM piercing. Idc, if you wanna wear it in your belly, your nose, your eyes, your mouth, even in your pussy, I just want to know the reason. And I don't hate it if you wear it, it's your body not mine, your freedom. But you guys attack me for asking this question and give my opinion.
What's the point of wearing this piercing?
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