Which kitchen should I get?

Okay I don't have a kitchen yet and I can't really decide, cause none of them is my dream kitchen but I don't wanna pay 6.000 €, so I need to pick one that's okay and functional.
I'm procrastinating it since a whole month now... but I really need one.
So maybe you all can help me to finally make a decision.

I have a Bordeaux colored retro-refrigerator. And I want a dark table and chairs. Maybe a black table, cause everything else is kinda blakish in the apartment.
So the room looks like this:
Which kitchen should I get?
Kitchen 1
Kitchen 2
Kitchen 3
None of them/ other
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+1 y
I'm getting the 3rd Kitchen, thank you all. Now I have to wait good 7 weeks for the delivery tho
+1 y
My kitchen is finally here 🙌 I wish I could show you all, but it does look exactly like the picture and fits so damn well into the room
Which kitchen should I get?
31 Opinion