Guys, would you rather date a beautiful girl with very short hair or just an average girl with very long hair? Also, should I cut off mine?

I've always been tempted to just yolo it but I'm so scared I'm going to regret cutting off my hair. I love both short and long hair but long hair is tough for maintenance and tbh, I don't really receive any compliments on it (maybe because it's so light)...

I'm just really wondering how would it feel to have a light head lol
I'm asking two questions in one poll I know but just comment whether I should cut off my hair or leave it alone.

Yes, the hair in the second pic is mine.
Beautiful with very short hair (just an idea of how short I'd like to go)
An average girl with very long hair
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
I may have worded the question strangely, sorry about that.

I know guys say they mostly prefer long hair but I'm not sure whether this is for everyone...
Guys, would you rather date a beautiful girl with very short hair or just an average girl with very long hair? Also, should I cut off mine?
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